Saturday, July 14, 2007

703 Noise Free Electric Band @ Strangeland Records

Free open electronic improv. Friday the 13th, July, 2007.
Courtesy of Davis White.


dew said...

There were a few nice moments there, as when the bass player locked-in with the electronic percussion.

I think the Electric Possible "Workshop" format, or the thing Marty does in Richmond still work better than the "Free-For-All-Jam" though. The trick is to be 50% creative and then - the harder part - 50% listening to what ELSE is happening.

Richmond and Baltimore people have more experience in doing these jams. We should swipe some of their guidelines and have more open improv events like this.

zeromoon said...

Listening and knowing when NOT to make a sound are more important than having good chops. If there were more venues open to hosting "open mics" for experimental music it would help us development people's abilities.

Unit Vector said...

Yeah, I played with 804 Noise once on the street. It was fun. I didn't notice any organization though. I'll have to check you guys out.